Q & A What are websocket? Why do we need it? Quoting from wikipedia , "WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011, and the WebSocket API in Web IDL is being standardized by the W3C." WebSockets are used for streaming messages. To implement real-time notification we need to stream messages from the server to the client without a refresh or making an HTTP request from the client. Hence websockets. How do we implement websockets in django? We will be using django-channels (channels) for websockets. Django, by default does not support websocket. Channels is a django project which allows Django to handle websockets, HTTP and HTTP2 requests. But how does channels implement websockets in WSGI server (gunicorn) which does not support websockets. Simple we don't. Instead, we will be using Daphne , an interface serv...
Continuing my last post. When using SQL database a very important aspect is the table schema. What is the best schema for a table. I feel we can never say this definitely we can only try making it better. We had 2 choice when deciding on the schema for the notification app. One notification table for all types of notification (Owner, Group and Watching) Three notification table for 3 types of notification We decided to go with the second option. You ask why. The needs of the three notification are totally different. For example, owner notification needs to be related to User table while Group notification needs to be related to the group table. If we had used option 1 we would have many columns with null values for a large set of rows (remember this is SQL not NoSQL) creating a table with sparse data. Owner notification table schema is as follows: Column Name Data Type Data Range Description message String Notification messag...